
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Greatest Gift of All

The Greatest Gift of All Life experiences in a sketchbook Saturday evening’s campfire was especially GRAND! We are experiencing mild weather in December this year, and it was fun to have nice cup of Eggnog with friends around the campfire without freezing! Eggnog warms the spirit and reminds me that it’s the holiday season. This is the time of year when we reflect on our goals, past and future. We also give thanks and recognize good friends who are around the campfire and also, those who I see weekly in my classes, in workshops, and those who I coach remotely, as well as all of you who take the time to read my Saturday Campfire Chats. I especially want to extend my thanks to all my loyal friends who support me in making THE GRAND VIEW successful, as well as making my classes and my life possible. (You all know who you are!) I am so grateful to have you in my life. An original Baumann oil painting....  While sipping on my eggnog and watching the fire, I began reflecting on how I

Painting - The Magic of Edges

Painting - The Magic of Edges  This weeks Campfire Chat was spectacular! The weather was calm and mild and many artist friends stopped by to be part of the evening campfire. We started with a magical piece sung by an old friend and accompanied by his partner playing his guitar. I was so inspired that next week I may play my accordion and belt out a few rounds of “Lady Of Spain.” I'm sure it will be a hit!  Edges are one of the fundamental elements After the musical entertainment finished, the conversation focused on this question; “How do you create fabulous edges and brushstrokes?” As always, everyone turned to me and waited to hear what I had to say. In my Painting workshops in Mt Shasta offered in the spring and fall, I include a lecture of the 12 Key Rules that an artist must know to create a masterpiece. Edges are one of the fundamental elements included in my list of the 12 Insights that artists need to know. I would put Edges in the top five. How an artist uses edges i

To Create Great Paintings One Must Understand the Power of Light
